FaceTite & NeckTite

FaceTite and NeckTite can provide a non-excisional solution previously only obtained through invasive surgical procedures (such as a face life). By avoiding the complexities of more extensive surgery, you can benefit from a more rapid recovery with results that reflect a more natural appearance.

What is FaceTite?

FaceTite can be a good solution that addresses lax skin in small localised areas. FaceTite can be a good solution where there is saggy skin that requires tightening and contouring, without the need for fat removal. These areas may include saggy skin and laxity around the eyes, eyebrows, forehead and mouth.

What is NeckTite?

NeckTite is a treatment that gently melts and suctions excess fat in small to medium sized areas. Gentle and deep heating will lead to contraction of the skin to re-contour the treatment area. These areas may include the neck, upper arms or inner thighs.

Do FaceTite and NeckTite have to be used in combination?

Depending on your aesthetic concerns, our surgeon Dr.Dutta may advise to use either treatment in isolation or in combination. This will be discussed with you at consultation.

How is this better than traditional Liposuction?

Liposuction of the neck region can leave the treatment area looking worse if the skin is too lax, resulting in a ‘turkey neck’ appearance. Patients may have better results using NeckTite or FaceTite as the heat energy will tighten the area compared to liposuction alone.

How is this better than a Facelift?

By avoiding a facelift exisional procedure, patients can benefit from reduced post-procedural swelling and discomfort. This is a less traumatic process with a more natural appearance.

What kind of procedure care is required?

FaceTite and NeckTite are minimally-invasive procedures performed under local anesthesia or light sedation. Post procedure, you can go home and resume your routine shortly after. Wearing a compression garment is required.

How quickly will I see results?

Results can be seen immediately, with best results noticeable after 6-12 weeks.

What technology is used?

These procedures use radio-frequency assisted lipolysis (RFAL) technology that thermally attacks subcutaneous fat and tightens collageneous tissue. RFAL tchnology is featured on the BodyTite platform. BodyTite and RFAL can also be used for treatment of the abdomen, hips, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms and other areas of fat deposits that require tightening.