Breast Reduction

Many women often feel unhappy with the shape or size of their breasts.

For women with a more generous bust, life can be unhappy because of how they look and feel.

Disproportionate breasts also cause back and shoulder discomfort, along with low self-esteem and confidence. Likewise, clothes are always a cause of anxiety. Plus, many daily tasks other women take for granted, prove a real physical challenge.

Age also influences how breasts change, with natural sagging as women get older. Breast reduction can help with this condition by reshaping the breasts to make you look and feel more confident.

Breast reduction surgery can restore confidence and give the patient a more proportionate look to her body and instill confidence as well as giving back the freedom to lead a more active life which is sometimes difficult with larger breasts.

What does the procedure involve for breast reduction and lift?

The procedure to reduce the size of a breast involves removing excess skin, fat and breast tissue to create a new size and shape. The surgeon will reposition your nipple and areola to give the breast a natural appearance.

The procedure can take up to 3 hours to complete depending upon the size of the breast. You may need to stay one or two nights in hospital. We usually advise patients to take two weeks off work after the procedure. In most cases breast feeding will not be possible due to the nipples being separated from most, if not all, of the underlying breast tissue.

What will happen after the operation?

Providing all is well your surgeon will allow you to return home the same day. You will need to wear a support bra continuously for the first two weeks to provide support and reduce swelling. For the first two weeks after surgery you will not be able to immerse your breasts in water.

You should try to resume normal daily activities as soon as possible, however you should not drive or undertake any strenuous activity or exercise.

Qualified doctors/nurses will discuss the procedure before any treatment, explaining any possible side effects.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long after the operation will the stitches be removed ?

The nipples stitches will be removed at approximately 7 days and the remaining stitches will be removed at approximately 14 days, if they are not dissolvable.

Will I have to have my bandages changed frequently?

On the morning after surgery the bandages will be removed as well as any drains that may be present.

What type of bra do I wear after the breast reduction surgery?

Wear a well-fitting sports type full-cup bra day and night for 4 weeks after the surgery.